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Morning embers: Pink Slime, presidential candidates, and the food truck revolution

April 16, 2012

1) Food industry battles back on “Pink Slime” (Cattle Network) — Agriculture and the food industry are still struggling to set the record straight on the “Pink Slime” controversy, despite hundreds of meat industry workers losing their jobs after the public’s panicked objection to the product.

2) How search results will shape the presidential race ( — With political communications steadily migrating online, presidential candidates who optimize their online content could gain the edge with voters who research candidates via search.

3) Start-up lessons from the food truck revolution (Fast Company) —  Food truck entrepreneurs discuss the most valuable lessons start-ups can learn from the latest culinary phenomenon.  Lesson #1: breathe new life into an age-old concept.

4.) How to move your audience from indifference to desire (Copy Blogger) — If you’re struggling to build an engaged community online, it may be because you’re not inciting a powerful emotion that every reader shares: curiosity.

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